Friday, September 7, 2012

it's a holiDAY, not a holiWEEK

Someone forgot to tell our contractors that. At the beginning of the week I said "you watch, no one will work this week" shoulda kept my mouth shut because it was pretty much true. We're still stuck in catch 22 hell, no floors until the heat, no heat until the gas..... Now the tile guys are kinda stuck too, because they need the finish molding to be up so they can place the tile. The good news....the electrician got over his pout long enough to show up for 4 hours or so and put up some light fixtures. We were so glad to see ANYONE here.
Tile guy also came for a bit on friday afternoon, installed the denshield in the showers and put in the little niche cutouts for the shampoo bottles.
We were pretty durned glad to see him too. According to our project manager, this week, we should have cabinets installed (they decided to do them without the flooring), exterior paint, electrical and tile. Oh, and by the way, he's on vacation. If ANYONE shows up we'll probably full body tackle them and kiss them right on the mouth! HELLO!!! you can't get work done if no one is here! Our bank deadline is Oct. 1. That means they need to have the occupancy certificate by then, or ask for an extension. Since there are effectively 15 working days left, and over the last 20 working days, there was a total of 55 hours worked (by everyone total), not thinking they're going to meet the deadline. We seem to be WAY more worried about it than they are...There is SO much left to do, and it pretty much all hinges on the gas and water lines being completed. They've been out here locating the last couple of days, so......fingers crossed.

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