Sunday, April 19, 2015

let the plant sale season begin

I know, I've been missing, but I've been busy......painting and cleaning my parents new house. That's done now, and I'm on to bigger and better things.....(like catching up with the weeding!)

I celebrated finishing by going to the rhody species sale yesterday. That's always been a fun one with lots of different things. I managed to acquire 5 new daylilies, a black penstomen, a cute perennial geranium, and a little arum called "dragon tail".
They're all in the ground and ready to grow.

The irises have been going crazy here. SDB's first.....

The others are getting ready....any minute.

The tree peonies are in their full glory too....

the flowers are huge!
There's tons of other stuff blooming too....just no time for pics.

Next week, the arboretum sale, and maybe some TB irises in bloom.....we'll see!