Friday, July 27, 2012


This week, it was all about the inside, again. On monday, we walked through and looked at all the little things that needed to be done before the sheetrocking started, and they also loaded the house with the rock, so that they would be ready to go first thing tuesday morning.
Tuesday came along and there were sheetrockers here at 6:30 am ready to go. They did all of the ceilings and a few walls. Wed. they were MIA for the mysterious "other job", but thursday brought them back bright and early to rock on. This is the kitchen...
I was starting to get a bit stressed because the place looked like a bomb went off in it, but on friday about 10am, the scrap truck arrived and they began to clean up the mess. (the only folks to clean up after themselves so far). They junked all the scrap, put down brown paper on all the floors, and plastic on all the doors. It's all ready to go with the taping on monday morning. (master bedroom)
great room and fireplace
It's kind of hard to tell, but this is the color I'm thinking about for the great room. Grey is really hot right now, and this one looks pretty good with the travertine fireplace tiles. While the sheetrockers were inside, the boys were outside, plugging away at the siding. They finished the garage gabel end, the front porch, and the west side. They still have the 2 porches on the back (they're small) and the east side gabel end (it's huge). I'm sure they have some odds and ends to finish up, but we'll probably be doing exterior painting soon.
Next week, taping and texturing, choosing interior colors and possible interior and exterior painting. Depends on how long it takes everything to dry. The garage door should be here soon as well, and they boys will most likely finish up the siding and be done (at least until the porch columns need to be built). After the interior painting comes flooring and tile (at the same time), and then all the finish carpentry, cabinets, etc. This is where the REAL fun comes in!!

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