Friday, August 31, 2012

Poor planning on your part.......

This week was nothing but total frustration. After what seemed to be a good start, and a lot of promise, it went away in a handbasket quickly. We had a good start on monday when the electrician showed up to start on switches and light fixtures. That was pretty short lived, though, because he left 2 hours later when the floor guys came. Seems electricians are a solitary type and don't like to work when there's anyone else there. Too bad, because after a great deal of promise to install the floors, they decided that they needed to be leveled first. They spent a whole day going around and checking the level (or not) of the concrete. After determining that they weren't completely flat, the floor guys brought in a sander and proceeded to sand the high spots (and run the sander into the wall) while making a dusty mess on the new flooring and cabinets. The next step was to trowel in a self-leveling compound to fill the low spots. Since they felt the need to stir the crap inside the house with a drill, they managed to get splatters at least 6 feet up the newly painted walls. Another round of sanding and the mess was totally complete. There appears to be more sanding needed, but no one was around to ask.... Now they've also decided that they need to crank up the heat before the floor is installed. The problem with that? Well, no gas, no water, no boiler...and it's really not cold enough for the heat to even come on, but, whatever. we're waiting for the plumber to find time in his schedule to install the boiler and crank up the system. Hopefully by then, the gas will be connected and the water will be fixed. Moral of the story? About 2 weeks behind, one GIANT mess inside, with everything completely covered in concrete dust, and, most of the great room walls will need to be painted again to cover the splatters. Thanks, I think. Not having a great deal of confidence in this one......... Oh, and the electrician won't come back until it's all done, which is probably better. It'll be one less thing we have to clean. There were a couple of bright spots...... The painter came back and did the laundry room LOVE!!! this color.....
and the master bath LOVE this color too!
And tile guy, who really knows his stuff, was here and built the bench in the master shower and the pebble floors in both the master and jack and jill.
Now we're into a 3 day weekend here and next week is a short one. Tile guy has already said he probably won't be back until friday, although most of the tile for the master, entry and jack and jill are already here. The electrician is still pouting about the floor guy, and the plumber is waiting for parts. ACK!!!!!

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