See that pile of dirt over there? The one behind the greenhouse frame? It's about half it's size right now......
I've been hauling it since friday, and I've made a sizeable dent! Where is it going, you ask?
Why, here, of course.....
Into those nice raised beds that will be used for veggies and the like. I have the three big ones done, moving on to the smaller ones that will probably go faster. I should finish today, if the weather holds out like it's supposed to....
Yesterday, we started assembling the greenhouse. All the parts are still sitting on the front porch, so the idea is to finish today and start working on the deer fence that will go around the veg garden. We're off to lowes here pretty soon with a list and a plan.
The next step, once the boxes are full of dirt, is to cover all of that black weed block with cedar chips for the paths. Hopefully, I'll be able to get most of that done this week, weather permitting. I'm hoping the cedar chips are lighter than the dirt.
We made a field trip yesterday and bought some blueberries and a brazelberry raspberry. They'll be a great addition to the garden. All 3 of the blueberries are dwarf bush types and currently loaded with blooms. The raspberry is intended to grow in a pot, so we'll still be getting the "real"ones as well.
We had good news and bad news on the landscaping front this week.....good news, the contract is signed, deposit made, and we're on our way.....bad news.....they probably won't be here until april 22nd. ARGH! I NEED to get planting.
Some of these things can only hang out in pots for so long before they need to go in the ground. I'll have to make an alternate plan and take some of my new dirt to make a holding bed for the peonies and daylilies at least. The peonies won't be happy about being moved in april, but they really don't have much of a choice. Hopefully, they'll forgive me.....
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