The last couple of weeks have been kinda slow around here garden-wise. Right now, it's hailing pea sized chunks, and about as wet as it can get withought having to build a boat.
We did get a few things done in between storms, though.....The greenhouse is complete, shelves and all and I planted some hanging baskets this morning, before the hail.
We also finished the beds in the garden and planted some starts.....(they're out there getting pounded to death right now)
The seeds are planted too, and there's already some little sweet peas poking out of the ground.
The next step with the garden will be to trellis the raspberries, put in the supports for the espeliered trees and plant them. (if the weather ever cooperates)
I've not heard anything from the landscapers, in spite of emailing and calling them last week. Doesn't inspire a bunch of confidence.....They're SUPPOSED to start either tomorrow (not likely), or next monday. You'd thing they'd at least let me know?? It WOULD be nice.......
In house news, we've had a lot of lookers, but no takers on the other house. Seems everyone who comes to look realizes that it's OLD. REALLY?? It was built in 1959, HOT NEWS FLASH, it's old.
We're also realizing some issues with the deck on the new house. Seems "the boys" didn't gap the boards when they built it. See that credit card stuck in it? Not supposed to happen. You should be able to stick a 8 penny nail in the gap there. What this does is cause the deck to hold water. Around here, that's a problem. The boards rot sooner and right now, they're a lovely shade of slime green, and slippery as as all getout.
We've contacted the contractor (opening a can of worms, I'm sure). but they're out of business, so I'm not even sure they'll email back.
We'll probably have to fix it ourselves, which will mean removing ALL of the boards and repositioning them. It's a HUGE deck.....
On a happy note, spring is sprung, and the plant sale season officially starts next weekend.
Now I just need a place to plant them!
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