Sunday, May 26, 2013

the view has FINALLY changed

So, the landscapers FINALLY made their much anticipated appearance, and it was worth waiting for.
The back went from this.....

to this....

I know, still a lot of work to do here, but it's OK. The yellow area just off the deck is where they seeded the grass. It's been getting a LOT of water this week.

The front went from this......
to this.,........

Today is planting day (if it EVER stops raining long enough), and we're also going to finish moving the rest of the "art" and placing it. Tomorrow, we'll clean up and tuesday, we'll get another 15 yards of dirt to start working on the back.
It's a bit overwhelming, and a ton of work, but also a whole bunch of fun. I can hardly WAIT to ge started......stay tuned......
It's hard to believe a year ago the house looked like this.....

They poured the slab the tuesday after memorial day. Come a long way, huh????

In old house news, the inspection went well yesterday, the financing is secured and all that's left is an appraisal, heading to a mid-june closing. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Did anyone hear that big, giant belly flop last week??? It was the sound of the old house sale falling through. Seems our intrepid buyer intended to live there with grandma. She didn't really bother to tell grandma until mother's day, when she surprised her with the fact that she was moving. That didn't go well at all, resulting in our buyer backing out of the deal. Now, there are things in place to keep this from happening, mostly monetary penalties, so we were refunded her escrow money. (that's what it's for).

The good news is, the house was back on the market ONE DAY! You heard me right ONE DAY! and we had another offer from someone who thinks it's "weird" and "perfect", and interesting combination, but, hey, her money's as good as anyone's. So, back to the drawing board, another inspection, another appraisal, more paperwork to sign. Hopefully this one will stick. We'll know by the end of june.

In other good news, the landscapers FINALLY showed up. The view is changing, and it's awesome.
They started in the back with the soil for the grass area....

The next step back here will be to plant a couple of large maples someone gifted us and put in the rest of the paths. I get to do the flower bed dirt back here, my summer project.

Then they went to the front and started painting for the planting spaces, paths, and labyrinth and filling it in with soil and gravel.
The front is almost done, they just need to finish filling in a bit, stomp the paths down, spread gravel in the strip between the sidewalk and the street and finish the dry stream bed.
They'll probably be here all, if not most, of next week.
The labyrinth gal will be here the end of june to set that up. In the mean time, I'll be planting those beds like crazy and putting the art, benches, and misc things out.
I've been planning and thinking about this for nearly 2 years. It's fun, cool, and a bit overwhelming to see it finally come about.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The view never changes.....

unless you're the lead dog.
Hopefully, this week will be THE week. The landscapers are SUPPOSED to FINALLY be here tomorrow, and the view will FINALLY change!
Here's the before.....front yard

back yard - complete with escaped mole from the neighbor's yard.
It's hard to believe that this will finally be changing. We'll see if they show up. They're not answering their email again, so......
On the old house front, we're holding our breath waiting for the results of the appraisal. Once that's done and approved, we'll set the appointment to close. That will be a load off too.
The garden has been loving the unseasonal warm weather, and now a bit of rain.
Spinach, anyone?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

inspection, check!

Last week, we had the inspection for the old house. It mostly turned up a bunch of little stuff we needed to do. Most of it's already been done, with the exception of servicing the furnace. I'll be calling the furnace guy tomorrow....
The next step is the appraisal. There may be more things to do after that - possibly a little paint touch up outside and some more chopping of branches, but we'll cross that bridge.......
So, the sale is progressing nicely, and (fingers crossed) should be all said  and done around May 30th or so.

On the landscaping front, the countdown has begin.....landscapers are due in one week, and we can hardly wait. The view of the dirt pile is getting old, and the weather is getting hot. Making it very hard to keep my new potted plants alive. I've been watering nearly every day, but they need to get into the ground.

The garden is loving the warm weather.....
check out all the new green.
The tree peonies are in bloom too....
and.... one last goodbye from the wisteria at the other house.
Took nearly 20 years for this sucker to bloom....
It was worth the wait. Too bad I can't take it with me.
next week, more old house progress, another plant sale (can you say "chilean fire tree?"), and some more gardening progress.