Sunday, May 5, 2013

inspection, check!

Last week, we had the inspection for the old house. It mostly turned up a bunch of little stuff we needed to do. Most of it's already been done, with the exception of servicing the furnace. I'll be calling the furnace guy tomorrow....
The next step is the appraisal. There may be more things to do after that - possibly a little paint touch up outside and some more chopping of branches, but we'll cross that bridge.......
So, the sale is progressing nicely, and (fingers crossed) should be all said  and done around May 30th or so.

On the landscaping front, the countdown has begin.....landscapers are due in one week, and we can hardly wait. The view of the dirt pile is getting old, and the weather is getting hot. Making it very hard to keep my new potted plants alive. I've been watering nearly every day, but they need to get into the ground.

The garden is loving the warm weather.....
check out all the new green.
The tree peonies are in bloom too....
and.... one last goodbye from the wisteria at the other house.
Took nearly 20 years for this sucker to bloom....
It was worth the wait. Too bad I can't take it with me.
next week, more old house progress, another plant sale (can you say "chilean fire tree?"), and some more gardening progress.

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