Sunday, February 22, 2015

it's been a pretty mild winter

so far.....this morning, It's about 28 degrees and frosty. Hopefully, all the little confused plants aren't shivering their roots off.

Pretty quiet here this week. The weather was a bit rainy, so not much going on outside at the first of the week, and miss doggie had some surgery on Thursday, so not much going on at the end of the week except doggie babysitting. I did work on some glass, and managed to finish one bowling ball and completely design and finish a second. I'll probably be grouting today and also doing a couple of stepping stones I have ready to go. (I need the molds for something else)

The only two new plants this week were a couple of daylilies and peonies from Costco. (gotta take advantage of that while I can) They have some great deals on stuff. It's pretty mainstream, but you can't beat a peony for less than $5. They'll look great in a couple of years. Last year, the daylilies that I got there bloomed in their first season, so.......

I also placed a couple of iris orders for later in the summer. I've decided that the iris "theme" will be blues/purples, blacks and whites, not a big fan of the pastels. You can't believe how many black irises there actually are, which makes my little black plant loving heart go pitter pat.

We also got the potato bin filled and planted, and I have onions and peas to plant now too. The daffs and hellebores are going crazy, and the peonies are growing by leaps and bounds, thanks to the nice weather. Lets hope we don't have a winter throwback now!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The weather is grand

The weather here has been unseasonably warm. Yesterday it was nearly 60 degrees and sunny...
Why haven't I posted lately? I've been outside gardening, of course!! (and going to the flower show)

Speaking of the flower show, I made quite a haul......lots of oriental lilies, 3 new oriental poppies, and a black iris. All planted in their new homes, thanks to the good weather.

I've also added some peonies and a couple of daylilies (thanks Costco!), a double decker Echinacea (also Costco), a dwarf frost peach tree, a gogi berry, some currants, and possibly some gooseberries today.

The weather is supposed to hold out for at least another week, and I'll be home with a doggie that has stitches, so I'm sure I'll get some more done.....either in the yard, or with my glass.

You just gotta love this time of year, the plants are going crazy.....

We also got a couple of loads of dirt to fill the potato bin and the squash boxes.
We'll be wrapping that up today.

Now I just need to make my garden wish list for projects to do this summer and keep up with the planting.....not much. At least we don't have any more big projects like building fencing and the like. They're all small, like building trellises, fixing the grape arbor and refining the planting plan. This is the fun part.