Sunday, December 20, 2015

how can you not love a plant that blooms in december?

This week, the hellebores started going.....

Love my hellebores....this is just the beginning. There are some really cool ones out there, and some really cool black ones out there. I'm always on the lookout for more really cool ones. You can just not have too many hellebores.

The seed catalogs have started to arrive too. I've been busy watching it rain and making my wishlist on pinterest with my 2016 goals in stuff, fragrant, reblooming, and rare, ought to be fun this year.

In crafting news, we've become the home for wayward bowling balls. My sister delivered 3 last week, with one more left in her attic. Not sure what I'm going to do with them all, but I'll think of something.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

mosaic bowling balls

who knew??

A couple of months ago, I joined a mosaic group on facebook. Little did I know, it would change my mosaic outlook altogether. I have learned SO much from this talented group of people, and my mad nipping skills have gotten 1000 percent better. (since I never did it before). It has helped me cut glass more accurately and precisely, and I have a boatload of projects in mind right now.

The most current one is the hummingbird bubbler/ fountain.....I worked on it a bit this week because it was raining, and I'll probably do some more today too. I find that mosaics are best done in "bits". Work on it for a while, step away, let it simmer, work on it some more. Gives a good perspective.

When this is done, it will go out in the "to be grouted" collection. I'll do a bunch of things one of these days. Grouting is a messy, time-consuming project, so it's best done it batches.
Next up, I'm thinking about doing a bowling ball fairy house.....why not?
I have lots of ideas and a bunch of things set back to be projects, so I won't be bored.
P.S. bought flower show tickets this week too...Can you say "spring fever?"