Monday, January 28, 2013

spring fever!!

I have a serious case of spring fever. I know, it's too early, but I can't help myself. I think I'll go out in search of some nice spring flowers this morning.......

This weekend, we worked on our kennel.
I know, it's  missing some parts, but one thing at a time. Next weekend we'll finish up the parts and pieces and string the rest of the chain link. This was one of the small things our contractors left us to do when they bailed at the first of the year. It's almost done, and then we can open the doggie door and they can go out and bark at the mailman!!

Next up, we'd really like to start landscaping our acre of mud, but we're stuck. In the mud. Or, on the dirt. Seems our fine city requires that we bring in new dirt to top off our acre of mud. Not much, just 3/4" in the whole property, which works out to 60 yards, and it must be rototilled in to 4" deep. The problem? It has to be SPECIAL dirt, certified dirt, and the only place that currently makes it is about 40 miles away, AND they don't return their phone calls, so our poor bulldozer guy can't even find out if they're making it right now. Does the city care????? Not a bit. Rules are rules, you know.....

We can't do a THING, even though we'll be bringing in more dirt anyway, until this is done. We had to put up a sizeable bond and promise we'd do it, and they won't give us our final occupancy certificate for this house until we do.

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