Sunday, February 3, 2013

the doggies will like their new house!!

This week, we made an early saturday morning trp to the hardware store to pick up the rest of our chain link stuff. After some planning and gathering of stuff, we came home and DH started to work on the fencing for the kennel. This is really all we have left of the "building" of the house. The next phase wil be landscaping. See all that dirt there? It's just a tiny, tiny patch of the giant acre of mud that currently surrounds us.

I'm starting to really get the itch to landscape and start working on it. We're stuck, though, waiting for the "special dirt" so that we can waste spend a whole bunch of money to do pretty much nothing.
I really want to have topsoil and mushroom compost delivered so that I can build a holding bed for plants that I purchase now, but there's no good place to put it. ARGH!!!

On a happy note, the old house has been showing nicely, probably about 20 serious folks have looked at it, and we had one friday, three yesterday,  and one appointment scheduled for this morning.
Fingers and toes crossed that our plastic jesus-saint guy does his job. (a gift from the in-laws - why not?)  I'm not terribly superstious, but hey, whatever works!!
We know that it's the same group of people looking at the same price range/type of house, and it just takes one to say "hey, I love the corian, clawfoot  tub, yard, location........." or D, all of the above.
We'll get it.

So, on to finish the kennel, replant the tree peonies,  and clean up the greenhouse panels.....
The flower show is in 3 weeks, and I can hardly wait to use those tickets I won!

Oh, and PS, our contractor sent us their "final" bill. Not a credit in sight. I guess we'll just be glad to be done with them. They did a good job, and there was nothing unscrupulous, but toward the end there it all started to fall apart like a house of cards. Promises that weren't true (we've ordered your kennel materials), NO communication, (we're still waiting for you to mail us those kennel quotes you promised us on new year's), and just a general feeling of frustration. I think I might call the flooring place though, and see just what happened to that hardwood flooring we returned, and the nearly 30 sq yards of carpet that the installer left in their warehouse. If we're not going to get credit, I want it back!

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