Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ok, I think I'm tired now.....

Remember that 15 yard pile of dirt from last week??

all gone....oh, and see that fence in the background? That's new too. It blocks the view from the new house to the old house. (which SHOULD be done, closed, and sold on the 20th).

But, where did the dirt go?

In the back beds, of course. Nice grass, huh? No worries, it's new. It'll fill in.

We also went and got rocks for the labyrinth yesterday......

literally a TON of rocks. We need to make one more trip today, and then that should be enough. The nice rock folks are letting us hand pick the ones we want. (although they think we're a bit nuts - nothing new there).

I also made a HUGE score.....

There's a mail-order peony and daylily place here in olympia that was having a clearance sale at the farmer's market. I got these on friday.....and then went back on saturday and they had different stuff. No pics of those, but it was about this much again. They were all $2, including the 7 tree peonies and 3 itoh peonies I got. They need some love, dirt, and patience, but next year, watch out!
(going back again today, just because). So far, I've gotten about $1000 worth of plants for about $100. Will they all make it? Probably not, but it's still a HUGE bargain!
We also had a bit of a setback this week.......
these USED to be strawberries. Damn deer
Next week, more dirt, more rocks, finishing the fence, and a master gardener plant fire sale

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