Sunday, January 19, 2014

finishing the compound....

Since I was MIA last week, there are a couple of things to catch up on......

During our Christmas/new year's break, we made a trip to home depot, just to "look and price" fencing and gates. We were pleasantly surprised to find a couple of gate options that would work perfectly to finish our back yard, and they weren't too expensive. The problem was, they just had one of each. So we decided to bite the bullet, jump in the truck and just go get them. That morphed into a "few" posts and some parts, and now we're ready to cross off a big "honey do" from our list.....finishing the front part of the fence.

This makes me pretty happy because it means the deer might be slowed down a bit when coming into the back yard. Note: "might be slowed down". Hopefully, they'll just move on to greener grass somewhere else and quit eating our poor trees.

We're now calling it "the compound".
That last open bit will be done today (had to go buy more fencing). It will be nice to be able to let the doggies out - supervised, of course - to hang on the bit of lawn this summer.  Where the green chair is will be the chicken coop. As you can see, we still have some things to do, but this is a big step.
There's only one more section of fence that needs to be done in the back, about 50' more, and we will be completely confined. Good for doggies, bad for deer. TAKE THAT!!
In plant sister and I attended a Hellebore workshop yesterday at a local nursery. It was really informative and fun and I learned that you practically can't kill them. I found one I've been looking for, called onyx odyssesy (a double black), and then came home and went to another nursery and found a couple more. One was discounted 40percent off (my kind of plant), it's white, and one was "lady in red". According to the hellebore gal that gave the talk, it's the "must have" plant this year, and in short supply, You can see why....
That bloom is a good 3" across. It's really stunning.
The clearance rack also yielded some fun last week.....a giant clematis "nelly moser", gorgeous white and pink 6" blooms (later), a heuchera, obsidian - totally black, a cool hot pink daylily, some species tulips that were free with a purchase, and some iris bulbs that were too cheap to pass up.
This week, we're going to the Tacoma home and garden show. My sister wants to remodel her bathroom, so we're looking for ideas. I'll also be looking for gardening "stuff". We're hoping to attend a mason bee clinic and get some supplies for our bee colonies. This is a warm up for the big seattle flower show in a couple of weeks. I can hardly wait!
P.s. the bare root plants are starting to come in to the nurseries too.......

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