Sunday, March 9, 2014

I know I've said this before....

but I just have to say it again....I HATE spring ahead. I've been staggering around like a zombie, trying to figure out what time it is all morning. HATE IT!! The only good news is, we won't have to change the clocks until the end of October. Why can't we just leave well enough alone??!!. Every year when this happens, I seriously consider moving to Arizona (where they don't spring ahead), or Hawaii (don't do it there either). I think Hawaii would be a much better choice.

ANYWAY......This week the deluge continued. Although it's been raining like crazy (110% of our normal rainfall for the entire month in the first 10 days), it's actually been pretty warm the daffodils  and others are starting to think it's spring. YEAH SPRING!!

We did have one semi-dry day, and I used the opportunity to fill the garden beds with the dirt from the truck. The beds are ready to be planted....just need to dry out a bit, the potatoes are ready to go. Now I need MORE dirt.....WAY more dirt,  a  little at a time.
It's supposed to be drier (finally!!) this week, and I have a laundry list of things I want to get done.....lay out the dry stream bed in the back....finish painting the shop....weed like crazy...the lawn is needing to be mowed and raked....and I'll be meeting with the solar guy on Friday to get an estimate for solar panels. We'll see how that goes.
This week, the plant acquisitions were, a gorgeous black carnation, some daylilies and a couple of peonies from Costco (love Costco!), and a couple of pots to plant my raspberry shortcakes in.
Next week....DRY (hopefully) Tons of work to do....
So, although I HATE spring ahead, I LOVE spring....there's something new in the garden every single day, and it's amazing!


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