We seem to be through most of the hot weather, at least after today. The garden is looking a bit worse for the wear. I just got tired of constantly watering. A couple of things gave up, but not much, and they'll be just fine next year.
Some of the daylilies are still going strong. Gotta love those daylilies!
Up to this point, the focus on the garden has been filling the space. The goal for next year is to re-arrange where necessary and really focus on fragrance and re-bloomers. Both the daylilies and the iris have re bloomers in their ranks (these are some of the daylilies), and they really do extend the season.
I also got tired of the icky looking squash vines (they all had powdery mildew), so yesterday I decided to harvest the bulk of the squash and pumpkins. I'd have to say the acorns were quite successful this year, and the bon bons were right behind. There were only 2 spaghetti's, and I'll be hoarding those, thankyouverymuch.
There's still some pumpkins out there. I'll give them another week or two, but some of them are pretty good size right now.
Next year, I'll try to get these guys up off the ground for better air flow, and hopefully the mildew won't take over.....Same with the tomatoes. Although we have a bumper crop, it could be better if they were supported better. The slugs would leave them alone, and the rain wouldn't affect them so much....live and learn.
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