Sunday, October 26, 2014

The monsoon season has begun!

It was a dark and stormy, really it was...winds up to 40mph and raining sideways here.
Consequently, there's not much happening in the garden at the moment....
although, I did manage to score two daylilies, one black and one pink, and a peony "sorbet", at the farmers market this week. I ran out between drenchings and got them planted asap, now just hoping they don't drown.

From this point out, it becomes about next year.....what worked this year, what didn't, what's on the wish list, and what's going to be the theme for the coming year. I've already decided the garden focus this year will be on rebloomers and fragrance. I'll also be working on my iris collection.....fewer free ones, and directing it more to the blues, blacks, and whites.

We're pretty much done with structures in the garden, although I would love a moon gate for the white it's just a matter of filling in, and working on the food part of the garden......maybe a tea tree, some more spaces for pumpkins and squash, and a new box to plant potatoes in, just for fun.

In house projects, there is that little matter of replacing the hardwood floors. Not looking forward to that, but it has to be done, and the sooner the better. We're going back and getting new quotes from folks now. It'll probably happen after the first of the year, when the holidays are done and the heat has been on for a while.

The good news is, even though it's been raining every single day (over an inch last Wednesday alone),
some of the plants are still hanging in there.......gotta enjoy them while they're here, it's going to freeze soon.

p,s,,,,,,that daylily was a Costco buy last spring....I'll definitely be looking for more of those kind of buys next spring!

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