Sunday, February 10, 2013

settling in

This week marks two months of being in the new house. Doggies are settling in nicely....

Their kennel is being finished as we speak. I can hear the pounding outside right now.

Today we made an early trip to home depot for lumber to finish the kennel and do the foundation of the greenhouse. We're digging out the panels so that I can clean them this week. Bulldozer guy has reconciled the dirt problem (finally), and he'll be here either the end of this week or the first part of next. Either time would be perfect, because we're supposed to be on vacation the following week, so they'll be some time to put up the greenhouse, call the landscapers, and start building the deer fence and raised beds for the garden. (that'll involve MUCH more dirt).

We've not heard a word from our MIA contractors. (thanks for sending those kennel quotes, NOT!!)
I emailed the flooring company and they told me that they had issued credit to our contractors for the returned flooring. We're pretty sure that's money we'll never see. Not enough to sue, just enough to be frustrated.

Next week, we're off to the seattle flower show.I look forward to it every year, but this one is going to be especially fun. Imagine having a blank slate.......I've been pinning some pretty cool plants on pinterest, with heavy emphasis on the black. If my garden turns out half as cool as my pin boards look, it's going to be pretty darned cool.

Yogi agrees....

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