Sunday, February 2, 2014

It's good to know the view finally changed.

So, a year ago, we were sitting here in a pile of mud....waiting......for the "post construction soil amendment" and then the looked like this.....

It took another 2 months for the landscapers to show up, and then it looked like this.....

Although we didn't win the ugliest backyard contest (I thought we'd be a shoe-in), we have made some it looks like this......

We had to let the weeds grow in the back over the winter to keep the dirt in place. This summer will be the year of the backyard. We have multiple projects - thankfully most of them are on the smaller side, and hopefully, we've managed to frustrate the deer. There's plenty of food for them anywhere else!
This week FLOWER SHOW! FLOWER SHOW! FLOWER SHOW! Can you tell I'm a bit excited.? Last year, I couldn't really buy anything because we just didn't know when it could get planted. This year is another story. I've been saving my pennies, and drooling over websites for a couple of months now. We'll just see how this works out. My plan is to get cool things that I can't get locally, or I would have to mail order. No sense buying something I can find at home depot later in the season.
There's usually a really good assortment of lilies, peonies, and bare root perennials there, some of them REALLY cool, some really expensive, and some even on sale. It's really my goal to purchase very few plants at full price. Sometimes you just have to, though.
Speaking of sale.....this week home depot had a bunch of shrubs for half price. We scored a Japanese skimmia (very fragrant), and two peiris japonica (hummingbird heaven) for $3 each. I also found the new bulbs and bought 5 landini lilies (black), paid full price for them, though.
Next week, FLOWER SHOW, and an appointment with another insurance adjuster for the floors. This time she's bringing a flooring installer with her. Hopefully we'll get some resolution.

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